Recreation FAQs

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Park Locations
Picnics, Parties, etc.
What Parks can be reserved for Picnics, Parties, etc.?

The parks that can be reserved for events such as picnics and parties are Naylor's Run Park and Penn Pines Park.

At Naylor's Run Park you can reserve a Grove.

Which Groves at Naylor's Run Park can be reserved for Picnics and Parties

At Naylor's Run Park, Groves #1-#5 can be reserved for picnic and party usage.

Can we have attractions such as animal rides and inflatables during our picnic or party?

No. Such attractions are not permitted on public areas in Upper Darby Township.

Are we allowed to have alcoholic beverages at our picnic or party?

No. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on public areas in Upper Darby Township.

Am I allowed to have a D.J., loud or amplified music at my picnic or party?

No. D.J.'s, loud or amplified music are not permitted in any public area of Upper Darby Township.

Is there a price to reserve a park?

Yes there is a price to reserve a park or a park grove. Click here for pricing

How do I pay for park reservation?

Payment for a park reservation can be made by using a money order or company check. No personal checks or cash.

Where can I find an application for a Park Reservtion

You go to our parks pages by clicking here. Then scroll to the bottom and that is where you can find the application to reserve a park.

Leagues for Children
What little leagues are available in the Township?

Public Little Leagues Offered in the Township are:

Football & Cheerleading

69th Street Wildcats

Drexel Hill Raiders

Baseball & Softball

Drexel Hill Little League

LLanerch Hill Little League