To view the full list of discounts available in our area, follow the steps below:
To purchase and print discounted Philadelphia Zoo tickets at home, click the following link:
Philadelphia Zoo Discounted Tickets
There is no need to log in or sign up as a member (unless you choose to). Just scroll down to "Select Tickets".
Once the date/time are selected, the page will display the discounted price of $21 (regular price $25). No discount code needed.
To purchase and print discounted Crayola Experiences tickets at home, click the following link:
Crayola Experience Discounted Tickets
Password: PRPS23
To purchase and print discounted Philly Magic Tour tickets at home, click the following link:
Philly Magic Tours Discounted Tickets
Promo Code: PRPS24
Tickets for the following attractions are available for purchase at the Upper Darby One Center by check, money order or credit/debit card*.
They can also be purchased over the phone using a credit/debit card* by calling 610-789-3656. These EZTickets are printed on demand, or they can be emailed.
EZTicket prices are subject to change throughout the season due to various limited-time promotions.
Tickets for the following attractions are available for purchase at the Upper Darby One Center. Accepted forms of payment are check, money order and credit/debit card*.
Tickets are sold Monday through Friday 9:30am to 4:15pm.
*Checks & money orders made payable to Upper Darby Recreation. Credit/Debit card transactions will include a convenience fee.
For a printable copy of the 2024 ticket price list, Click Here
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