
Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month



to honor

Asian American and Native Hawaiian/

Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month



the Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI), also known as the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community has played a vital role in shaping the history, culture, and achievements of the United States; and



the month of May has been designated as Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month to honor the contributions and accomplishments of AANHPI individuals and communities; and



AANHPI communities in Upper Darby Township have enriched our township through their diverse cultures, traditions, and talents, contributing to our vibrant tapestry; and



it is important to recognize and celebrate the achievements, resilience, and contributions of the AANHPI community, and to promote inclusivity, diversity, and understanding among all residents;


Now, Therefore,

I, Mayor Edward Brown, do hereby proclaim the month of May 2024 as 


Asian American and Native Hawaiian/

Pacific Islander Heritage Month


in Upper Darby Township, and call upon all residents to celebrate the rich heritage and cultural diversity of our AANHPI community.


In Witness Whereof,

I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of Upper Darby Township to be affixed this 1st day of May, 2024

Edward Brown, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Proclamation: International Mother Language Day


WHEREAS, the Township of Upper Darby is the home of diverse culture, heritage and rich traditions of its residents and the Township Administration considers it a high priority in promoting, protecting and preserving the linguistic diversity in the community that the City serves; AND

WHEREAS, the residents Upper Darby Area speak more than 70 native languages and dialects, within this very diverse, multicultural, multilingual and multiethnic community and the City recognizes that such diversity is so vital for the growth and prosperity of the thriving community; AND

WHEREAS, in November 1999, the General conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO), said in its resolution that 21st February of every year be proclaimed as the “International Mother Language Day” (IMLD) throughout the world to promote, protect and preserve all languages and to pay homage to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives on this very day in 1952 to retain the rights to use their mother language (Bengali, a.k.a. Bangla) as one of the national languages in the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh); AND 

WHEREAS, UNESCO in its resolution further said “Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. All moves to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will serve not only to encourage linguistic diversity and multilingual education but also to develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughput the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue”; AND

WHEREAS, language is fundamental to all communications and expressions, and these communications and expressions are critical for the growth and prosperity in human society. There is growing awareness that languages play vital role in developing good citizenship, social justice and equity in a diverse society through intercultural dialogue, and quality education for all; AND

WHEREAS, February 21 is being celebrated every year as the “International Mother Language Day” all over the world by the people of different origins and languages; AND

WHEREAS, “Friends of Bangla School Foundation” a non-profit (501-c3) organization along with School based IMLD Committees form a coalition to offer leadership in observing “International Mother Language Day” in the Greater Upper Darby Area to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism;  

THEREFORE, I, Edward Brown, Mayor of Upper Darby do hereby proclaim February 21, 2024 as the


and I encourage all residents and the students, teachers, administrators and staff members of all school districts to raise awareness for multiethnic and multilingual diversity, recognize rich cultural traditions and heritages of diverse communities, practice and promote all mother languages and thus ensure the “unity among diversity” in our society.


Edward Brown, Mayor

Upper Darby Township
 Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Small Business Saturday Proclamation

Small Business Saturday Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Small Business Saturday started in 2010 and has become a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities; and 

WHEREAS, historically, projected spending among U.S. consumers who shopped at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday has reached an estimated $17.9 billion, according to the 2022 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey; and 

WHEREAS, according to the United States Small Business Administration, there are currently 32.5 million small businesses in the United States, small businesses represent more than 99% of companies with paid employees, and are responsible for over 60% of net new jobs created since 1995; and 

WHEREAS, small businesses employ nearly 47% of the employees in the private sector in our country, and contribute positively to our local community by supplying jobs and generating tax revenue; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that for every dollar spent at small retailers, $0.68 stays in the community; and

WHEREAS, along with advocacy groups and public and private organizations across the country which have endorsed the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday, today the leadership and residents of Upper Darby Township are committed to celebrate and support our local small businesses that create jobs, boost our economy, and preserve our communities; and 

WHEREAS, beginning on Saturday, November 25, 2023, there will be no ticketing at township meters and kiosks on Saturdays and Sundays through the end of 2023.

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby, do hereby proclaim November 25, 2023, as  

Small Business Saturday 

in Upper Darby and urge the residents of our community to support small businesses and merchants today and throughout the year.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month Proclamation

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Animals  play an important roles in our lives, for many they find comfort and security for their well being because of the presence of animals; and

WHEREAS, Although Animals play such a significant role in our lives, there have been instances where animals are neglected and abused; and

WHEREAS, The month of April is dedicated to spread awareness of the abuse and neglect that animals may endure. It is a time for us to show our appreciation to animals; and

WHEREAS, Here are Upper Darby, we care about the lives of animals we support penalties against those proven responsible for the intentional abuse of domestic and companion animals.; and 

WHEREAS, We need to recognize and be aware of the connection between animal cruelty and human violence. This in turn can help and protect those who are vulnerable;

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim the fourth month of 2022 April, as

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month  

in Upper Darby and urge our community to dedicate and appreciate animals working together to prevent, recognize, and report signs of animal abuse to protect all animals from abuse and neglect.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Transgender Day of Visibility Proclamation

Transgender Day of Visibility Proclamation

WHEREAS, Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual international event on March 31st dedicated to recognizing the bravery and accomplishments of the transgender community. 

WHEREAS, International Transgender day of visibility was founded in 2009 by U.SA.-based transgender activist Rachel Crandall, a licensed psychotherapist and the Executive Director of Transgender Michigan, created to acknowledge and honor the successes achieved by transgender people; and 

WHEREAS, On this day, we celebrate the trans people amongst us, raise awareness about the struggles that they face, and advocate for more protected rights for them in a bid to reform society; and

WHEREAS, This annual day provides a forum for transgender communities and allies to raise awareness for the need for visibility of transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming people and the persistent transphobic prejudice that permeates our society; and 

WHEREAS, Transgender Day of Visibility allows the Township of Upper Darby to recognize, admire, and celebrate transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary individuals of Upper Darby; and 

WHEREAS, The Township of Upper Darby recognizes the significant contributions made by the transgender people and affirms that they are vital members of our community. Upper Darby will strive to constantly support, embrace, and cherish transgender people whose lives continue to teach our society the importance of understanding and acceptance. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim Thursday March 31st, 2022 as

Transgender Day of Visibility 

in Upper Darby and urge our community to recognize transgender individuals and their bravery. 



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Black History Month 2022 Proclamation (February)

Black History Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS, During Black History Month, we celebrate the many achievements and contributions made by Black Americans to our economic, cultural, spiritual and political development; and 

WHEREAS, We must recognize and pay tribute to the generations of individuals who struggled with adversity, risked their lives for justice, fought a fight that at times seemed impossible to win, and continue to fight for equality and the American Dream; and

WHEREAS, observing Black History Month provides opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of African American history and acknowledge the centuries of struggles for equality and freedom; and  

WHEREAS ,Black Americans are engaged throughout our society as our friends and neighbors, scholars, teachers, business people, community leaders, and contributors to our Upper Darby quality of life; and 

WHEREAS, Upper Darby strives to close the equity and outcome gaps for Black American residents through policies and practices that reflect the experiences of Black American residents, ensure greater access and opportunity and honor history, heritage, and contributions; and 

WHEREAS, we are immensely proud of that history and our diversity as well as thankful for the countless contributions of Black Americans in Upper Darby Township and throughout this nation; this month, and throughout the year, we urge our residents to celebrate that heritage and continue to fight for equality and opportunity for all. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim the  month of February of 2022, as

Black History Month 

in Upper Darby and urge our community to recognize the vast history and culture of Black Americans. 


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Catholic School Week 2022 Proclamation

Catholic School Week Proclamation  

WHEREAS, National Catholic School Week is an annual national celebration of the important role that Catholic elementary, secondary schools, and early childhood centers play in providing a comprehensive, values-based education for America’s young people; and

WHEREAS, This year the theme of National Catholic School is Faith. Excellence. Service; and

WHEREAS, Catholics in the Upper Darby Community have educated many citizens in preparation for their responsibilities as residents of the township and members of society.; and

WHEREAS, We recognize the thousands of teachers and auxiliary personnel who have provided and continue to provide outstanding education that emphasizes the formation of moral values and a commitment to community service to the future generation in Catholic schools; and 

WHEREAS, Upper Darby is honored to recognize and appreciate the incredible work in the education system provided by the Catholic Schools in our community and the vast work they have and will continue to do for the residents of Upper Darby.

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim the week of January 30th, 2022 to February, 5th 2022 as

Catholic School Week  

in Upper Darby and urge our community to respect the dedication of Catholic Schools to our community.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Barbara Benglian Day Proclamation

Barbara Benglian Day Proclamation 

WHEREAS, In 1970, Barbara Benglian graduated from West Chester University with her degree in music education and received her masters from West Chester in 1973; and

WHEREAS, Barbara Benglian dedicated nearly 52 years to serving the children of Upper Darby through her work as the choral director for Upper Darby High School, Junior High, Drexel Hill Middle School, Highland Park Elementary, and Bywood Elementary; and 

WHEREAS, Barbara Benglian was awarded the Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year for 2006 for her service at Upper Darby High School, the largest high school in Pennsylvania; and 

WHEREAS, Student performances directed by Barbara Benglian, such as the annual concert at  St. Dorothy’s locally, regionally at the Kimmel Center and Longwood Gardens, and nationally including the JFK Memorial Library & Museum in Boston and the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., have enriched our community; and

WHEREAS, Barbara Benglian pushed her students to raise the bar everyday and taught them not just about music, but about life; and 

WHEREAS, The Township of Upper Darby would like to offer its thanks and acknowledge Barbara Benglian for all the enrichment she brought to the lives of her students and this community for nearly 52 years.   

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim January 21, 2022 as

Barbara Benglian Day

in Upper Darby and urge our community to show our appreciation for everything she has contributed to the community. 



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Bill Gaul Day Proclamation

Bill Gaul Day Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Bill Gaul has been inducted into the Upper Darby School District alumni hall of fame and spent 16 years in service to the school board where he held both president and vice president positions; and  

WHEREAS, Through his membership with the Upper Darby Township Square Club, Bill Gaul was instrumental in raising over $250,000 for charitable programs within the Township; and 

WHEREAS,  Bill Gaul served nearly 40 years as the Upper Darby Township Emergency Management Coordinator, remaining on call 24/7 to assist in major emergencies while working with the Red Cross to assist residents of Upper Darby with whatever care was needed; and 

WHEREAS, Bill Gaul was hired in 2006 and spent the last 15 years as the Manager of Purchasing for the Upper Darby Township; and 

WHEREAS, Bill Gaul served his country in Vietnam, not only fulfilling his military duties, but by volunteering in a Vietnamese orphanage and teaching English in a Vietnamese Civilian School; and

WHEREAS, With his good humor and dedication, Bill Gaul has enriched the lives of those other Upper Darby Township employees who’ve had the opportunity to work alongside him during his time here. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim January 19th, 2022 as

Bill Gaul Day

in Upper Darby and urge our community to show their appreciation for all Bill has done in his years of service. 




Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Pilgrim Gardens/Aronimink Civic Association 50th Anniversary Proclamation

Pilgrim Gardens/Aronimink Civic Association 50th Anniversary Proclamation  

WHEREAS, the Pilgrim Gardens/Aronimink Civic Association is commemorating its 50th anniversary this year; and

WHEREAS, it was founded by concerned residents as an organization that is dedicated to preserving the quality of life in the Pilgrim Gardens and Aronimink communities and strives to help its membership when issues arise that impact everyone, such as the current pandemic; and

WHEREAS, over the past 50 years, the organization’s leaders have brought neighbors and friends together by establishing many wonderful traditions, such as Christmas tree ceremonies, Easter egg hunts, Fourth of July parades, and more; and

WHEREAS, the PGA Civic Association thrives in a unique community that has many things to offer, and the organization’s primary mission is to ensure that it is always able to provide resources as needed to address any challenges their members face. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby, do hereby proclaim December 5, 2021, as  

Pilgrim Gardens/Aronimink Civic Association Day 

in Upper Darby, and I extend our gratitude to the past and present members of this organization for their hard work and wish them continued success for many years to come. 


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Small Business Saturday 2021 Proclamation

Small Business Saturday Proclamation  


WHEREAS, Small Business Saturday started in 2010 and has become an important part of small businesses’ busiest shopping season in the United States. Historically, projected spending among U.S. consumers who shopped at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday has reached an estimated $19.8 billion dollars over the past decade, according to the 2020 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey; and 

WHEREAS, according to the United States Small Business Administration, there are 31.7 million small businesses in the U.S., and they are responsible for 65.1% of net new jobs created from 2000 to 2019; and

WHEREAS, small businesses employ 47.1% of all of the employees in the U.S. private sector; and 88% of U.S. consumers feel a personal commitment to supporting small businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; and 

WHEREAS, 92% of small business owners have pivoted the way they do business in order to stay open during the past 18 months, and it remains critically important to support these businesses as they continue to recover financially; and

WHEREAS, the leadership and residents of Upper Darby are committed to supporting local, small businesses that create jobs, boost our economy, and preserve our communities; and

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim November 27, 2021, as  

Small Business Saturday 

in Upper Darby and encourage all residents to recognize and participate in its observance.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Lou's Jewelry and Pawn Day Proclamation

Lou’s Jewelry and Pawn Day Proclamation  

WHEREAS, in October of 1921, entrepreneur Louis (“Lou”) Myerson opened his first business in Delaware County, Lou’s Jewelry and Pawn; and

WHEREAS, in 1984, Lou’s son, Stanton, relocated the family business to its current and permanent home on 69th Street in Upper Darby, where it has has been a mainstay of this community for nearly four decades; and 

WHEREAS, Stanton “Pawn Boss” Myerson has made a name for himself as a community leader through his civic engagement and his support of several charities; and 

WHEREAS, today, Lou’s Jewelry and Pawn is one of the oldest shops of its kind in the country, and Stanton prides himself on catering to the needs of his customers, just as his father Lou did. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim November 13, 2021, as  

Lou’s Jewelry and Pawn Day 

in Upper Darby, and I extend our sincere congratulations to Stanton on his achievements and wish him continued success for many years to come. 


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Veteran's Day 2021 Proclamation

Veterans Day Proclamation  

WHEREAS, on November 11 of each year, we come together as a community and as a nation to observe Veterans Day and to pay tribute to the service of the brave individuals who have defended our country in times of conflict and peace;

WHEREAS, the theme for Veterans Day 2021 is “Honoring All Who Served.” All veterans make a sacrifice to serve their country, whether physically, emotionally, or by being away from their loved ones and missing important life moments; and

WHEREAS, 2021 also marks the centennial commemoration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Located at Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb was initially dedicated by the Army on Armistice Day, November 11, 1921, with the burial of an unknown service member from World War I. Over the past century, additional unknown individuals have been buried at the Tomb, and the site has become a people’s memorial that inspires reflection on veterans’ service, valor, and sacrifice; and   

WHEREAS, we are proud to recognize and honor all past and present Upper Darby residents who are veterans, and we are grateful for their selfless service to our community and our country. We also appreciate all of the veterans’ organizations in Upper Darby, including the American Legion Post 214, the Archer Epler VFW Post 979, and the Marine Corps League 884 Upper Darby Detachment.


NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim November 11, 2021, as  

Veterans Day 

in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Native American Heritage Month 2021 Proclamation

Native American Heritage Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Native American Heritage Month is celebrated every year to recognize the importance of Native American cultures, contributions, history, traditions, and art; and

WHEREAS, this tradition was established in 1990, when former U.S. President George H.W. Bush declared the month of November as “National American Indian Heritage Month” now more commonly known as Native American Heritage Month; and 

WHEREAS, during Native American Heritage Month, we honor the Native American veterans and service members who have courageously served and continue to serve in our Armed Forces; and 

WHEREAS, the history of Upper Darby has been significantly influenced by Native Americans, especially the Lenni-Lenape tribe, whose people cared for the lands surrounding the Delaware River, including this area, for more than 10,000 years; and 

WHEREAS, in celebration of Native American Heritage Month, we encourage everyone to recognize the accomplishments and contributions that Native Americans have made to our society, and we are grateful to the local organizations who work with and in support of the Native American community.


NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim the month of November 2021, as  

Native American Heritage Month 

in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to participate in its observance.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Hispanic Heritage Month 2021 Proclamation

Hispanic Heritage Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Between September 15 and October 15 each year, Hispanic Heritage Month is observed by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America; and

WHEREAS, This tradition started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988; and 

WHEREAS, Hispanic Heritage Month begins in the middle of September instead of at the start of the month because it coincides with national independence days in several Latin countries: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica celebrate their independence day on September 15th, followed by Mexico on the 16th, Chile on the 18th, and Belize on the 21st; and 

WHEREAS, America has always drawn its strength from the contributions of a diverse people. People of Hispanic backgrounds are advancing our economy, improving our communities, and bettering our country. During Hispanic Heritage Month, let us renew our commitment to ensuring ours remains a society where the talents and potential of all its members can be fully realized; and to honoring the achievements of Hispanic Americans in Upper Darby and across the United States.  

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim September 15 through October 15, 2021, as  

Hispanic Heritage Month 

in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Fire Prevention Week 2021 Proclamation

Fire Prevention Week Proclamation  

WHEREAS, fire is a serious public safety concern both locally and nationally, and homes are the locations where people are at greatest risk of fire; and

WHEREAS, smoke alarms sense smoke before people can, alerting you to danger in the event of fire. Smoke alarms that work properly cut the risk of dying in reported home fires in half; and

WHEREAS, the 2021 Fire Prevention Week theme, “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety,” effectively serves to remind us it is important to learn the different sounds of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms; and 

WHEREAS, Upper Darby Township is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all those who are living in and visiting our community. Residents should be sure that everyone in the home understands the sounds of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and knows how to respond to them; and

WHEREAS, first responders in Upper Darby and Delaware County are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education; and

WHEREAS, Upper Darby residents who are responsive to public education measures are better able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire, especially in their homes. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim October 3 through October 9, 2021 as

Fire Prevention Week 

in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to to “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety” for Fire Prevention Week 2021 and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of Upper Darby Township fire and emergency services.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2021 Proclamation

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS, domestic violence is a pervasive issue across Upper Darby, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, the United States, and the world, with implications for personal and community health; and

WHEREAS, domestic violence does not discriminate and affects all communities regardless of age, race, disability, gender identity, or socioeconomic status; and

WHEREAS, considering medical expenses, lost productivity, legal costs, and property loss and damage, domestic violence costs victims nearly $82,000 over their lifetime and collectively costs the United States $3.6 trillion; and

WHEREAS, research shows that by creating communities where people are connected, supportive, and care for one another can reduce incidents of domestic violence; and

WHEREAS, in Upper Darby, individuals and organizations play a part in supporting people impacted by domestic violence, providing services including therapeutic, legal, educational, housing, advocacy, and medical services. The Upper Darby Police Department is committed to shaping their practices to further support victims of domestic abuse and to limit its effect on our community.

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim October 2021 as

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

in Upper Darby, and I urge all residents to become involved in efforts to prevent and respond to domestic violence and to recognize the impact of domestic violence in our community.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Proclamation in Observance of the 20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

Proclamation in Observance of the 20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001 

WHEREAS, twenty years ago this month, on the morning of September 11, nearly three thousand men, women, and children’s lives were lost in a series of attacks intended to terrorize the United States; and

WHEREAS, we can never undo the pain and injustice borne on American soil that day, nor will we ever forget those who perished; and

WHEREAS, many Upper Darby residents felt the pain of this tragedy personally as we endured the loss of loved ones or friends; and 

WHEREAS, we came together as both a community and a country in the days, months, and years that followed, lifting each other up as we began to heal; and

WHEREAS, in remembering and honoring the lives that were lost, we reaffirm our connection to one another. On September 11, 2001, no matter where we came from, who we prayed to, or who we were, we were united as one American nation. May the same be said of us now and always.

Now, Therefore I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim Saturday, September 11, 2021 as a Day of Service and Remembrance in Upper Darby, and I encourage all residents to honor the memory of our fellow Americans who were lost on that fateful day 20 years ago.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

International Overdose Awareness Day 2021 Proclamation

International Overdose Awareness Day Proclamation  

WHEREAS, we recognize the purpose of International Overdose Awareness Day as a way to remember our loved ones lost to overdoses and ending the stigma of drug-related deaths; and

WHEREAS, the Upper Darby community affirms and acknowledges the harm and hardship caused by drug overdoses; and

WHEREAS, we resolve to work harder to reduce the number of overdoses in our community. Drug overdoses claimed the lives of hundreds of residents of Delaware County, Pennsylvania in 2020, with countless additional lives forever changed; and

WHEREAS, we affirm that the people affected by the disease of addiction and drug overdoses are our sons and daughters, our mothers and fathers, our brothers and sisters, and our friends and fellow residents, and that they are deserving of our love, compassion, and support.

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, August 31, 2021 as

International Overdose Awareness Day 

in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Parks and Recreation Professionals Day 2021 Proclamation

  Parks and Recreation Professionals Day Proclamation  

WHEREAS, parks and recreation professionals promote physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness through both organized and self-directed fitness, play, and activities; and

WHEREAS, parks and recreation professionals support the economic vitality of communities by providing frontline jobs and promotion of community revitalization; and

WHEREAS, parks and recreation professionals foster social cohesiveness and communities by celebrating diversity, providing spaces to gather together peacefully, modeling compassion, promoting social equity, connecting social networks, and ensuring all people have access to its benefits; and

WHEREAS, parks and recreation professionals support human development and endless learning opportunities that foster social, intellectual, and emotional growth in people of all ages and abilities; and

WHEREAS, parks and recreation professionals strengthen community identity by providing facilities and services that reflect and celebrate community character, heritage, culture, history, aesthetics, and landscape; and

WHEREAS, parks and recreation professionals help sustain and steward our natural resources by protecting habitats and open space, connecting people to nature, and promoting the ecological function of park areas; and

WHEREAS, Upper Darby supports the skilled work of parks and recreation professionals, especially those who serve in our Township and throughout Delaware County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to strengthen community cohesion and resilience, to connect people with nature and each other, and to provide opportunities for healthful living and environmental sustainability; and 

WHEREAS, Upper Darby values the essential services that park and recreation professionals and volunteers perform to provide recreational and development enrichment for our children, youth, adults, and seniors, and to ensure that our parks and recreational facilities are clean, safe, and ready to use. We are also grateful for our partnership with the YMCA of Eastern Delaware County, which allowed us to offer recreational activities for children this summer. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim July 17, 2021 as

Parks and Recreation Professionals Day 

in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Juneteenth 2021 Proclamation

Juneteenth Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Juneteenth is the annual observance of the end of slavery in the United States, which happened on June 19, 1865; and  

WHEREASJuneteenth continues to be the most recognized African-American holiday observance in the United States, and honors the survival and God-given strength and determination of African Americans; and 

WHEREAS, Americans of all colors, creeds, cultures, religions and countries-of-origin, share in a common love of and respect for “freedom” as well as a determination to protect their right to freedom through democratic institutions, by which the “tenets-of-freedom” are guaranteed and protected; and 

WHEREASOn Juneteenth, we recommit ourselves to the work of equity, equality, and justice.  We celebrate the centuries of struggle, courage, and hope that have brought us to this time of progress and possibility. 

WHEREAS, United States President Joseph R. Biden officially recognized Juneteenth as a federal holiday on June 17, 2021; and 

WHEREAS, Upper Darby is fortunate to have a diverse community that has come together today to recognize the importance of Juneteenth with the inaugural Juneteenth Observance & Community Fair. We are grateful to Reverend Dr. Malcolm Byrd and Pastor Nathaniel Goodson for their efforts in coordinating this event, which embraces Juneteenth as a day of both solemn reflection and joyful celebration of equality and freedom; 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2021 as


in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month 2021 Proclamation

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ+) 

Pride Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Pride Month is a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. It was borne out of the gay rights movement that started in the 1940’s and reached a pivotal moment at the Stonewall Inn in June of 1969, when a group of individuals who were being mistreated because of their gender and sexual identification stood up for what they believed in; and 

WHEREAS, Pride Month is a time to reflect on the trials that the LGBTQ+ community has endured and to rejoice in the triumphs of the individuals who have bravely fought, and continue to fight, for full equality; and

WHEREAS, Despite all of the progress that has been made in recent years regarding LGBTQ+ rights, we acknowledge there are many states in which LGBTQ+ individuals still lack protections for fundamental rights and dignity in hospitals, schools, the workplace, public accommodations, and other spaces. We are committed to standing in solidarity with LGBTQ+ Americans in their ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice; and 

WHEREAS, LGBTQ+ individuals, especially children and adolescents, often face bullying and harassment in educational settings and are at a disproportionate risk of self-harm and death by suicide. It is imperative that families, school systems, mental health care providers, and the community at large work together to end the social stigma and bullying that can traumatize children and adolescents who identify as LGBTQ+; and 

WHEREAS, Upper Darby Township has a diverse community that includes a proud contingent of LGBTQ+ individuals and allies, which is fostered in part by organizations such as Upper Darby Pride and UDTJ, among others. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim June 2021 as

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ+) 

Pride Month

in Upper Darby Township and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Children's Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 Proclamation

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (May 2 – 8) Proclamation  

WHEREAS, because good mental health is a vital component in a child’s overall development and well-being, Children’s Mental Health Week provides the opportunity to focus on this important matter, while celebrating the accomplishments of children and families affected by mental health concerns; and

WHEREAS, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 children between ages 2 and 8 is diagnosed with a mental health condition; and

WHEREAS, research has shown that the early identification and appropriate treatment of mental health disorders among children and adolescents provide them with better opportunities to lead full and productive lives; and

WHEREAS, children and adolescents with mental health challenges and their families benefit from access to timely services and support systems that are family-driven, youth-guided and culturally appropriate; they also benefit from the integration of behavioral health in primary care, education, and child welfare; and

WHEREAS, it is important that children and adolescents, along with their families and communities, learn about warning signs of mental health disorders and where to obtain necessary assistance and treatment; and

WHEREAS, it is imperative that schools, health care providers, families, and the community at large work together to erase the stigma that may accompany mental health challenges in children and adolescents;

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor, do hereby proclaim May 2 – 8, 2021 as

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

in Upper Darby Township and urge my fellow residents to recognize and participate in its observance.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2021 Proclamation

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS, The heritage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders was initially honored by the federal government in 1978. In 1992, the recognition of their heritage was expanded to a month-long observance in the United States; and

WHEREAS, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have histories and cultures that are thousands of years old; and

WHEREAS, the month of May was chosen to commemorate the first recorded immigration of people from Japan to the United States in May 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869, by a majority of Chinese immigrant workers who laid the tracks; and

WHEREAS, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have enriched our social, intellectual, and artistic life in the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have made valuable contributions to all areas of life in Delaware County, including government, business, arts and sciences, medicine, education, law enforcement, and the military; and

WHEREAS, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month helps us to appreciate the diversity of our residents in Upper Darby; and by recognizing their contributions to our community, we acknowledge the importance of inclusion as we strive to create a better future for everyone; and

WHEREAS, while all ethnic groups have made significant contributions to our country, the recent dramatic spike in violence and hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders during the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the need for awareness of the discrimination they are facing on a daily basis.  

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim May 2021 as

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

in Upper Darby Township and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.


Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Women's History Month 2021 Proclamation

 Women’s History Month Proclamation  

WHEREAS Women of every race, ethnic background, and socioeconomic status have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of Upper Darby and the United States of America in countless ways; and

WHEREAS the national theme for Women’s History Month 2021, “Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to be Silenced,” continues the celebration of the Women’s Suffrage Centennial; and

WHEREAS Women have played and continue to play vital economic, cultural, and social roles in every aspect of life by constituting a significant portion of the labor force, working both inside and outside of the home; and

WHEREAS Women have played a unique role throughout the history of the nation by providing the majority of the volunteer labor force of the nation; and

WHEREAS Women were particularly important in the establishment of early charitable, philanthropic, and cultural institutions in our nation; and

WHEREAS Women of every race, ethnic background, and socioeconomic status served as early leaders in the forefront of every major progressive social change movement; and

WHEREAS Women have been leaders, not only in securing their own rights of suffrage and equal opportunity, but also in the abolitionist movement, the emancipation movement, the industrial labor movement, the civil rights movement, and other movements, which foster a more fair and just society for all; and

WHEREAS the Upper Darby community celebrates all of the women, both seen and unseen, who have contributed to its success;

Now, Therefore, I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim the Month of March 2021 as

Women’s History Month

in Upper Darby Township and encourage all Upper Darby residents to honor women’s roles and achievements in American history and culture.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Juneteenth Proclamation 2020


WHEREAS, Our country is made up of people from every nation on earth, who are declared equal not only in freedom but also in justice, both of which are essential for a healthy human civilization; and

WHEREAS, Our nation was conceived on July 4, 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, the classic statement being: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; and

WHEREAS, At 2 p.m. on New Year’s Day, January 1, 1863, using his war powers as President, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, providing that all persons held as slaves with any State or designated part of a State “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free”; and

WHEREAS, The Emancipation Proclamation made the permanent abolition of slavery a Union aim and provided the legal framework for the emancipation of nearly all four million slaves as the Union armies advanced; and

WHEREAS, Hearing of the Proclamation, many enslaved people escaped to Union lines as the army units moved south; and

WHEREAS, on June 19, 1865, nearly two and a half years later, Major General Gorson Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and announced the end of both the Civil War and slavery, with this announcement: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property,”; and

WHEREAS, On January 1, 1980, Juneteenth became an official Texas state holiday; and

WHEREAS, Since then, forty-five other states and the District of Columbia have also declared it an official holiday; and

WHEREAS, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, on June 19, 2019, signed into law H.B.619, recognizing that June 19 is Juneteenth National Freedom Day,

Now, therefore, I, Barbarann Keffer, Upper Darby Township Mayor, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2020 as

Juneteenth National Freedom Day

in Upper Darby Township and urge all residents to recognize its observance.

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