Mayor's Message 2/3/2021

Mayor’s Message
February 3, 2021

Good evening everybody,

A couple of updates:  

I would like to thank everyone who worked on the snow removal and trash and recycling crews for doing a great job over the past few days. Your efforts during the snowstorm are deeply appreciated.

I am pleased to announce that our partnership with the Share Food Program to distribute food boxes to our community will continue every Wednesday and Saturday, 11:30am, at the Upper Darby Township Municipal Building until further notice. We thank the Share Food Program and our staff and volunteers who have been part of our efforts to help Upper Darby residents in need. 

Upper Darby residents should have received a trash and recycling newsletter this past week, detailing our recycling program and outlining the Township trash and recycling holidays. We have received a lot of feedback from the community about the change from the traditional printed 12-month trash and recycling calendar to the newsletter format. We chose the new format in order to keep printing costs down and reduce the amount of paper waste. For anyone who may be interested, a printable monthly calendar is available online at    

February 2021 is Black History Month, and I have issued a proclamation in recognition of this important event. (reads proclamation) 

I am also happy to share with you that we have created a walking tour that features seven spots of interest along the Underground Railroad in Upper Darby. The map for this self-guided tour is available on our website and social media. We are proud of our rich history and our local connection to the Underground Railroad, and I would like to thank the Historic Commission for their hard work and continued dedication to developing a more extensive trail to help the community learn more about this subject. 

Thank you and have a great evening.

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